FULL TURN-KEY SOLUTION - The Muratec MW40 is an extreme-precision compact turning center capable of repeatability in the single digit micron level. For small, high precision components in medium to large lot sizes, you can't beat this machine's extreme accuracy.
MW40 Machine Specs & Technical Data
Maximum Chuck Size 5 in
Number of Turret Stations 10 x 2 STA
Maximum Spindle Speed 8000 rpm
Spindle Drive Motor 3.7 kW/30 min *No option
Total Machine Weight (Approx.) 7716 lb
Live Tool Drive Motor 1.4 kW
Live Tool Maximum Speed 6000 rpm
Gantry Loader Workpiece
Handling Capacity Φ50 mm x 90 mm , up to 0.5kg/piece
Spindle Nose Size Flat nose
Spec. of Axes X-axis 15 m/min | Z-axis 15 m/min | Y-axis 12 m/min
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